Thursday, April 13, 2006

Conner Contemporary

It is true that the images on the screens were mesmerizing. You could perhaps theoretically stand there for hours watching the pictures evolve, move and morph into something else. It's comparable to spending a quiet afternoon looking at the sky watching the clouds morph into pictures and realizing that you'll never see the same sky twice. I have to say however that this concept of has been explored a lot in multimedia art. The desire to create something that will never be the same no matter how many times you look at it is extremely similar to man's desire to be creative and to be a god. I had hoped for something more. I had wished for yet another paradigm to be explored. It seems that multimedia art, from the limited display that is available in DC is on the cusp of something great . . . let art evolve from our witticisms and throwbacks and cleverly hinted acknowledgment of the genius that has gone before. Let's use multimedia art to explore something that has not be explored. Unfortunately the Static show by Brandon Morse was not the battle cry to innovation, it wasn't even a small yelp.


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