Monday, February 06, 2006

Conversations about Pain . . . Painful?

Unsettled Dialogue

In this art piece the viewer scrolls around a room and hears several different conversations about people's pain. They talk about whether or not their pain is real or perceived. I think this is an interesting work because it mimics a situation we've all been in, you know the conversation with that person who always seems to have something wrong with them. This piece gives a kind of unique voice to those who suffer chronic pain. The sudden car crashes gives the whole piece of sort of jarring je ne se quois. You feel like you can relax into this piece because of it's familiar if not aesthetically pleasing "room" but roaming around can bring you different voices and sometimes a bit of a jolt. Maybe this is to mimic the feelings of having chronic pain, unable to fully enjoy life or to be completely immersed in a situation because there is always that probability that bam! A crushing twinge of pain has arrived an you are now transported to a scene, or a feeling of intense pain, making everything else fade into the background.


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