Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Computers and they way we think
Discussion Question:

How do you create a cohesive message, a story something of value when you completely abolish the established way of conveying a message? How do you ensure that what you want is getting across along with the ability for infinite choice, how do you abolish the linearality of thought? How do you get rid of the concreteness of the sentence, the paragraph, the website, the word?

It is easy to feel that computers are more like a frustration something that gets in the way of true thought. But in Ted Nelson's essay it becomes apparent that the computer is supposed to be used as a tool to aid in understanding and also in artistic expression. In order to bridge the gap of a purely industrial exercise and artistic freedom the computer needs to become a less of a machine and more of an organ of thought, creativity and expression. The internet becomes a vehicle to expand our definitions and broaden our experiences. It is interesting that the desire to break through this barrier started out as an idea to make learning more accessible and has evolved into something that is so integral to life. On the other hand maybe this is not so surprising as life may not be worth living without the promise of the ability to always learn more and create more.


Blogger Randall Packer said...


Superb! It is amazing the the Net, which began as a medium for documenting research, has become a worldwide phenomenon and a powerful medium for creative expression.


1:10 PM  

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