Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Computers and they way we think
Discussion Question:

How do you create a cohesive message, a story something of value when you completely abolish the established way of conveying a message? How do you ensure that what you want is getting across along with the ability for infinite choice, how do you abolish the linearality of thought? How do you get rid of the concreteness of the sentence, the paragraph, the website, the word?

It is easy to feel that computers are more like a frustration something that gets in the way of true thought. But in Ted Nelson's essay it becomes apparent that the computer is supposed to be used as a tool to aid in understanding and also in artistic expression. In order to bridge the gap of a purely industrial exercise and artistic freedom the computer needs to become a less of a machine and more of an organ of thought, creativity and expression. The internet becomes a vehicle to expand our definitions and broaden our experiences. It is interesting that the desire to break through this barrier started out as an idea to make learning more accessible and has evolved into something that is so integral to life. On the other hand maybe this is not so surprising as life may not be worth living without the promise of the ability to always learn more and create more.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


I went to the bookstore to find a certain volume.

I was dismayed when I found it wasn't there.

Then I thought life must be grand if this was my only despair.


Walking the streets of can be hard.

With people staring wondering who you are.

Is it so apparant I am an alien in this town?


Plan on plans going awry.

Even in the confusion fun is to be had.

What once was boring can be seen in a new light.


We pay for sins both emotionally and physically

The only sin is to do things you know you'll regret

It is a foolish and wasteful emotion to regret


It is always a long way in the cold rain.

It is always lonely to be the third person in the room

It is always a singular world with headphones


It seems the most cutting edge happens to be rebellion of the established

I find myself wanting to rebel from the rebellion but never going back to where we have already been

Excellent workmanship is simply no longer enough


There is always a time when you have to stop and say ENOUGH!

It is much easier to pick out other's hypocrisy than your own

It is easier to hate your life than to change it

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

"Graveyard of Perceptions"

America's Graveyard by Randall Packer is a strong commentary on America's political atmosphere. It's a provocative piece not only because it pushes the envelope with using such different media such as TV monitors and dirt it also broadens the perceptions of what the multimedia major entails. It seems that it is not just enough to learn the various programs but also to do something interesting and important with those newly learned skills. It is always a struggle to create something that impacts the world with strong message. The challenge of being a multimedia artist has little to do with the limits of the tools but the unlimited nature of cyberspace. Such powerful tools could easily go to waste; it is the artist's responsibility to make sure that this does not happen. It is hard to make one cohesive statement with so many options, so many different directions to explore.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

"What makes multimedia relevant to contemporary artists?"

The stereotype that often comes to mind about artists is that they are poor, tortured souls, who live in garrets in Paris, France and create provocative pieces that really make us think about the world we live in. The first part may or may not be true, but the second part seems to be the reason why throughout all extreme situations of human suffering and prosperity art has continually found a purpose. People today are constantly bombarded with technology. No longer is it the norm to let media to waft over you, it has become in your face, demanding interaction. With traditional media (canvass, paint, and marble) it would be hard for the contemporary artist to remain completely relevant. Technology has changed the way we live; it has changed the way we interact. Artists need to use electronic media not only to stay current, but also to help shape how technology becomes integrated in our lives. Artists provide an important service to society. They are the George Orwell's for lack of a better comparison. With new growth, new systems and traditions constantly being assimilated into everyday life, technology has the power to become something incredibly useful as well as destructive. It is imperative that artists continually use media not only to provoke questions about the art world (the proverbial what is art?) but also the more fundamental and important question of what is life?