It occurred to me that my speech or my silence,
indeed any action of mine, would be a mere futility
-Joseph Conrad
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Audio Tour of the Dada Exhibit at the National Gallery of art.
I must say that this piece is a conversation about the profundity of all that is Dada. Join Nicole Dansby and Tegan Mahford as they discuss the importance of such an important work.
I must say that this piece is a conversation about the profundity of all that is Dada. Join Nicole Dansby and Tegan Mahford as they discuss the importance of such an important work.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Most truths are so naked that people feel sorry for them and cover them up, at least a little bit.
Edward R. Murrow
Mark Amerika
Digital Personas
Katzen Arts Center @ American University
It is not often that I attend an event and leave it feeling as if my brain had completely failed me. I'm not sure I even understood why I was there in the first place. Mark Amerika is either a person's whose intellect completely surpassed mine or a good magician. I don't think I could comprehend everything that went on in the lecture but despite my inability to feel as if I completely grasped everything he said, I was captivated none the less. It was like reading poetic philosophy, so many meanings coming from the same sentences, from the same words. I cared less about his work I only wanted him to keep talking so that I could continue to feel as if I was being inundated with pearls of intellectual ideas, and nuggets of creative motives. His work as a side note was very interesting, you could feel from not only the artist, but also his work, was that his pieces were not just applications or just installations or just novels; they were exercises, or a way of testing the boundaries of social truths. In society we hold things to be universal and understood. We have set definitions and we generally accept them and continue on with our daily lives. Every now and then a person comes along in the guise of an artist, or a philosopher, or doctor, or an idiot savant . . . but their work, or words, or actions causes us to wake up and actually think about those social truths. Listening to Mark Amerika was like getting a personal wake up call. There is much more to ponder and to think about. The purpose of art is not to mimic the masters, or to mock or to rebel against them, but like the masters to create a new movement not only of art but of social truths.
Digital Personas
Katzen Arts Center @ American University
It is not often that I attend an event and leave it feeling as if my brain had completely failed me. I'm not sure I even understood why I was there in the first place. Mark Amerika is either a person's whose intellect completely surpassed mine or a good magician. I don't think I could comprehend everything that went on in the lecture but despite my inability to feel as if I completely grasped everything he said, I was captivated none the less. It was like reading poetic philosophy, so many meanings coming from the same sentences, from the same words. I cared less about his work I only wanted him to keep talking so that I could continue to feel as if I was being inundated with pearls of intellectual ideas, and nuggets of creative motives. His work as a side note was very interesting, you could feel from not only the artist, but also his work, was that his pieces were not just applications or just installations or just novels; they were exercises, or a way of testing the boundaries of social truths. In society we hold things to be universal and understood. We have set definitions and we generally accept them and continue on with our daily lives. Every now and then a person comes along in the guise of an artist, or a philosopher, or doctor, or an idiot savant . . . but their work, or words, or actions causes us to wake up and actually think about those social truths. Listening to Mark Amerika was like getting a personal wake up call. There is much more to ponder and to think about. The purpose of art is not to mimic the masters, or to mock or to rebel against them, but like the masters to create a new movement not only of art but of social truths.
Conner Contemporary
It is true that the images on the screens were mesmerizing. You could perhaps theoretically stand there for hours watching the pictures evolve, move and morph into something else. It's comparable to spending a quiet afternoon looking at the sky watching the clouds morph into pictures and realizing that you'll never see the same sky twice. I have to say however that this concept of has been explored a lot in multimedia art. The desire to create something that will never be the same no matter how many times you look at it is extremely similar to man's desire to be creative and to be a god. I had hoped for something more. I had wished for yet another paradigm to be explored. It seems that multimedia art, from the limited display that is available in DC is on the cusp of something great . . . let art evolve from our witticisms and throwbacks and cleverly hinted acknowledgment of the genius that has gone before. Let's use multimedia art to explore something that has not be explored. Unfortunately the Static show by Brandon Morse was not the battle cry to innovation, it wasn't even a small yelp.
Conner Contemporary
It is true that the images on the screens were mesmerizing. You could perhaps theoretically stand there for hours watching the pictures evolve, move and morph into something else. It's comparable to spending a quiet afternoon looking at the sky watching the clouds morph into pictures and realizing that you'll never see the same sky twice. I have to say however that this concept of has been explored a lot in multimedia art. The desire to create something that will never be the same no matter how many times you look at it is extremely similar to man's desire to be creative and to be a god. I had hoped for something more. I had wished for yet another paradigm to be explored. It seems that multimedia art, from the limited display that is available in DC is on the cusp of something great . . . let art evolve from our witticisms and throwbacks and cleverly hinted acknowledgment of the genius that has gone before. Let's use multimedia art to explore something that has not be explored. Unfortunately the Static show by Brandon Morse was not the battle cry to innovation, it wasn't even a small yelp.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006

Welcome to the wide world of videocasting. There are some very unique frustrations that go along with creating a sequence of video for a videocast format. How to choose a topic, a subject, a point of view if you will that will be interesting, as well as somewhat cohesive. Our assignment is to create four videos that are to be videocasted.
Ideas anyone? Here is what I was thinking about:
a graphic design student copiously checking and rechecking the dimensions for a perfect square. It takes forever it's agonizingly slow, the student messes up. a sigh, he must start over. again he messes up . . . throughout this clip there is no sound except for what is heard in the graphic design studio, rustling papers, hum of the lights, the occasional sniffle, scene ends with a black screen and some clever tag. Yeah we've all been there. It's short it's too the point and simple, we are taking a journey we are inviting the audience to be frustrated or at least to laugh at the frustrations felt by others.other ideas for this series, two people trying to communicate in a language that is to both of them, foreign, waiting for dinner at the cheesecake factory (I'm not sure that this will be able to be filmed, I need the cooperation of the cheesecake factory) . . .
Different Strokes for Different Folks
This idea isn't as planned out but it would be interesting to film how the other half live or a mini commentary on the differences in lifestyles of people who are similar in age but are categorically different (college students vs. military, american university vs. george washington university, Northwest DC vs Southeast DC, tdr vs homeless shelter.)
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Valentines Day Commuting